Friday, February 11, 2011

David Hockney

Hockney began working with photocollage in the late sixties and early seventies, using varying number of small Polaroid snaps or photo-lab prints of a single subject to arrange a patchwork that would make a composite image. These photocollage images appeared mostly between 1970 and 1986.

What I enjoy most about Hockney's photocollages is that they aren't typical. They include multiple perspectives that he joins into one image. The appearance of this is quite unusual, and I found it quite eye-catching. The details of the photocollage aren't as apparent as they would be if he took normal photographs, making the exploration of his work that much more interesting and challenging. The way Hockney puts together multiple perspectives is obviously quite different than most photographers' work, which in a way allows the viewer to gain more perspective.

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